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2017-01-18 13:11:53来源:海外网 字号:



The world is a pretty big place, so we can't blame you for being indecisive. 世界那么大,如果你为去哪儿而犹豫不决也怪不得你。

Lonely Planet, a go-to resource for travelers for over 40 years, just released its new book, "Best in Travel 2017." 40多年来,《孤独星球》杂志一直是旅行者的资讯指南,该杂志刚刚推出了新书《2017最佳旅游地》。

In it, the guidebook gurus outline the world's hottest trends, destinations, and experiences for next year, all based on their team of writers and experts. 这本旅行指南宝典简要概述了全球最火的旅行风潮、旅行目的地以及为来年准备的旅行经历,所有的内容都来自《孤独星球》的作家和专家团队。

Here are their picks for the top 10 cities to travel to next year. 以下是书中评选的2017年最值得一去的10大城市

10. Portland, Oregon 波特兰,俄勒冈


This gem of a town is what all towns should be: friendly and sustainable, with an emphasis on living well. 所有的小镇都应该像这座风景优美的小镇一样:和睦、环保,注重生活品质。

9. Moscow, Russia 莫斯科,俄罗斯


Moscow's new airport and extensive metro line expansions means that getting there and getting around has never been easier. Plus, as it's celebrating its Revolution centennial and becoming host to the 2018 FIFA World Cup, it's bound to pull out all the stops. 莫斯科全新的机场和扩建的地铁,让前往那里和在那儿游玩变得前所未有的便利。此外,为了庆祝十月革命一百周年、举办2018年世界杯赛事,莫斯科一定正不遗余力地做着准备。

8. Lisbon, Portugal 里斯本,葡萄牙


Portugal is the place to be right now, as it's both cheaper and more underrated than the rest of Europe — despite being equally impressive in terms of sights, culture and cuisine than some of Europe's more well-known destinations, like Barcelona or Rome. Lisbon is one of the best bargains around right now. 葡萄牙是必须马上去的地方。这里的风景、文化、食物与巴塞罗那、罗马等旅游胜地一样令人惊叹,但与欧洲其他地方相比,这里费用更便宜,而且它的旅游价值被严重低估了。目前,里斯本是最物美价廉的旅行地之一。

7. Seoul, South Korea 首尔,韩国


From massive skyscrapers to tiny temples, South Korea's business and cultural capital is the perfect mix of old and new. Next year an aging elevated highway will be transformed into the Skygarden — a beautiful, aerial park. 从摩天大楼到低矮的庙宇,韩国的经济文化之都是古典与现代的完美结合。更妙的是,一条年代久远的高架路明年将被改造为美丽的空中花园。

6. Pistoia, Italy 皮斯托亚,意大利


Known as "Little Florence," Pistoia has all of the culture but none of the crowds. In fact, the Tuscan town will become Italy's Capital of Culture in 2017. 皮斯托亚以“小佛罗伦萨”著称,这里同样充满文化气息,却没有佛罗伦萨拥挤的人潮。实际上,2017年托斯卡纳镇将变成意大利的文化之都。

5. Ohrid, Macedonia 奥赫里德,马其顿


For a slightly more inexpensive trip to Europe, check out the beautiful, lakeside town of Ohrid. Those looking for culture can explore ancient castles and churches, while the outdoorsy can rent boats, hit the beach, or hike and bike in surrounding forests. 想来一次花费便宜点的欧洲之旅,可以考虑美丽的湖边小镇奥赫里德。喜欢发现当地文化的人可以探索古代城堡和教堂,户外活动爱好者可以租船在海边游览,或者到周边的森林远足或骑行。

4. Merida, Mexico 美利达,墨西哥


Forget Spring Break-y Cancun and the increasingly crowded Tulum, and visit Merida instead. The Mexican city has heaps of cultural offerings, from live music and art shows to Mayan ruins and artifacts. In fact, the city was designated the American Capital of Culture this year. 别去春假(复活节假期)胜地坎昆和越来越拥挤的图卢姆了,来美利达旅行吧。从现场音乐会、艺术展到玛雅遗址、手工艺品,这座墨西哥城市充满了文化气息。事实上,美利达当选了今年的美洲文化之都。

3. Los Angeles, California 洛杉矶,加利福尼亚


Great food, great beaches, and more museums and theaters than any other city in the US. While none of this is news, the new 2016 Metro expansion and initiatives like Car Free LA has made getting around town easier for non-driving tourists. 美味佳肴,风景优美的海滩,全美最多的博物馆和戏院。除了这些原来就有的,2016年新扩建的地铁和“无车洛杉矶”等倡议让不开车的游客出行更加方便。

2. Cape Town, South Africa 开普敦,南非


Cape Town is becoming a force to be reckoned with, becoming increasingly more global, with a burgeoning culinary scene. In 2017 it will also become home to the new Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art, the world's largest museum of contemporary African art. 开普敦变得越来越国际化,餐饮业蓬勃发展,正成为一座不可忽视的城市。2017年,这里还将建成世界最大的非洲当代艺术博物馆——塞茨非洲当代艺术博物馆。

1. Bordeaux, France 波尔多,法国


France's most famous wine region is getting a brand new high-speed rail next year, which will get foodies between vineyards and restaurants even faster. It's the perfect spot for a gastronomic adventure. 法国最著名的葡萄酒产区将在明年开通一条全新的高铁,让美食家们能更快地穿梭于葡萄园和餐厅之间。波尔多是一场美食冒险的最佳选择。(商业内幕网)


